Terrestrial refraction

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place holder DRAFTING

Uncertainty, precision, model accuracy, predictive power

"Every one conversant with nautical astronomy is aware that some uncertainty always attends observations made with the natural horizon, from the varying amount of the dip occasioned by terrestrial refraction. The cause of these variations is very obscure. The best authorities seem to regard differences of temperature in the air and water as the sole cause of the irregular density of the lower strata of the atmosphere on which the varieties of the dip depend. It is known that, in general, when the water is warmer than the air, the dip is greater than that given in the tables; and that when the water is colder than the air, the dip is less. But cases occur where the deviations from the tables are found to bear little relation, at least in amount, to the relative temperatures of the air and water. Some other property of the atmosphere must, therefore, be sought after, by the influence of which the effects of temperature are modified."[1]


Citing {Brinkley, J. 1815, Trans. R. Irish Acad., 12, 77} "It is well known to those conversant in observations made with good instruments that near the horizon an irregularity in refraction hitherto unexplained shews itself." ‘‘it is not likely the irregularities will ever be submitted to any law, and investigations respecting formulae for refractions for zenith distances greater than about 80� may be considered more curious than useful’’


Self "Refraction within about 5° of the horizon is so variable that no a priori formula or table can be expected to give accurate values there."[2]


  1. W. Kelly “On the dip of the horizon, and mirages of the Gulf and River St. Lawrence,” Nautical Mag. (London) 15, 393–398 (1846) https://aty.sdsu.edu/bibliog/bibliog.html
  2. Young, Andrew T. "Sunset science. IV. Low-altitude refraction." The Astronomical Journal 127.6 (2004): 3622.: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/420806/pdf